This Portrait was shot at f11 @ 125th and ISO 200 (My standard setting in the studio). I began with the main light about 5ft off of her left shoulder, and the fill light way back about 8-10ft away.
There is also a back light set on a minimal setting about 3ft high and about 4ft behind her. That helps separate her from the black void. Also, there is a hair light up above her about 3ft set on a minimal setting. She is posed with her right foot away from me and her left foot pointed to my left. I had her twist at the waist and stretched her right shoulder forward just a touch, and a little tilt of the head and a little bit of blue steel... and there you go.
In photoshop I began with adjusting the levels to my liking, a little diffused glow to give that "dreamy" look, and a touch of vignette to help complete the black/dark look, and that's it.
I will try to add photos to my blog as I shoot them and explain how it was shot in the future. But for now I'll just add some photos that were shot over the course of last year.
Great blog!! I will look forward to seeing more.
nice picture! she's hot.how much u sell that potrait?
Is she a real model? where is your studio at?
Hey is there's a way that i meet your model in this potrait in black?I am so very much interested to meet her in person.NICE POTRAIT!! YOU DID A GOOD JOB!!
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